
Hier findet ihr vergangene und zukünftigen Veranstaltungen, sowie weitere Termine des [Green]Labs:

[Green]Lab invites you to the "INGENIUM European Climate Action Workshop"Change"

Two universities, one major topic: „Climate Change“.
The University of Skövde (Sweden) and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (Germany) invite you to participate in our joint online-workshop. 


Its objective is to bring students from the INGENIUM universities to work together internationally in mixed teams to discuss and create scenarios to mitigate climate change with help of the En-Roads Simulator. It is a completely virtual collaboration which promotes digital and methodological skills. Furthermore, you will learn about climate initiatives of the two universities and how Foodsharing engages against food waste in Germany.


Do you want to participate? Use the following Registration Form to join. Don´t miss the opportunity to exchange with other European students!

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